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Low Air Pressure Sensors, Air Volume Measurement and Controls Overview

CMR Controls manufactures low pressure and air flow sensors, flowgrids and control systems for precision ventilation such as clean rooms, sterile laboratories, operating theatres, pharmaceutical and microchip production facilities and fume extract systems.


CMR Sensor Ultra low differential pressure transmitters for commercial buildings, pharmaceutical or microchip clean room production areas and operating theatres. Typical appplications are room pressure control airchange rate volume measurement, alarming and monitoring. Typical ranges are +/- 10 Pa, 25 Pa, 50 Pa and 100 Pa. Other standard ranges are 0 - 125 Pa; 500 Pa; 1000 Pa; 2000 Pa; up to 10000 Pa.


CMR Displays Stainless steel and custom designed displays for pressure, volume, temperature and humdity for clean rooms and other sterile applications. All displays have modbus, 0-10V or 4-20mA inputs. They can be directly connected to the V-Sensors and DPM instruments on their own modbus communication bus.


CMR Calibrators

The CMR Calibrators are automatic, portable and battery operated with calibration certificates traceable to national and international standards. Any CMR transducer can be checked and calibrated using this high precision manometer with built in pump with ranges from 0...100.0, Pa and 0...1,000.0 Pa and 0...10,000 Pa.

Sensing Probes

Air Sensing Probes Air Probe plates, Ceiling Probes, Duct Probes, Veloprobes, Oval Flow Probes and many other air pressure and velocity sensing probes are manufactured by CMR. Custom made probes are available in PPs Plastic, Stainless Steel, Copper and Aluninum.

Flow Grids

CMR Velogrids Flowgrids made to measure are available as standard in sizes of up to 1500mm x 1500mm in increments of 10mm height and width. Larger Flowgrids i.e. 3000mm x 6000mm can manufactured in the CMR Manufacturing facility.


PVC and silicone Tube PVC tubing for installation in large factories and laboratories to measure room pressure and air change rates can be supplied in many colours such as Red, Blue, White, Green, Yellow and black. Smaller bore tubes are availbale ijn silicone for inter panel applications. Complete bulkhead termination nipples are in stock to suit any application.


CMR DPC210 Controllers A complete range of precision controllers with or without built in pressure or air volume sensors can control Tri-State actuators, 0-10V or 4-20mA actuators, Inverters or any other standard industrial actuators. It is a self contained controller which is compatible to be connected to almost any BMS or PlC control system.

Many of the products are manufactured in our own manufacturing facilities and are available on a fast delivery time.